Education Management System

EMS (Education Management System) is a great Web Application package for Educational institution at a shockingly Low price. Our Multi-functional EMS gives institution and every user all the tools they need to Monitor, provide better service, take decision easily, follow-up at a glance, better communication among users for make the institution as a result oriented with a new pace of service.

Users can use the EMS solution to enter data, keep record, administrative work by reducing the cost. This Web Application will increase the quality of Educational service that will make the difference from the others. Overall our EMS will create a new dimension Not only for you but also your customer as well as The total Education Management System.


• Manage students class/group wise
• Add / edit / delete student
• View profile of students
• View mark sheet of student
• View ID card of student
• Manage teacher profile
• Add / edit / delete teacher information
• Manage parent according to student class wise
• Create / edit / delete class / group for students.
• Create / edit / delete subjects here from subject menu
• Subjects can be defined separately according to each classes
• Manage exam / semester listing
• Manage marks (edit/ update) and attendance exam, class & student wise
• Manage exam grades
• Manage class routine
• Create / edit / delete class routine schedule on 7days a week
• Manage payment for student
• Create / edit / delete invoice listing
• View invoice and print them
• Manage library
• Create / edit / delete booklist
• Manage transportation routes for school
• Manage dormitory listing for school
• Manage notice board of school
• Create / edit / delete notices according to date
• Notices are visible in calendar in dashboard